• Argument Skills with Differentiation: HS

    The activities in this collection provide practice and instruction for high-school students (grades 9-12), developing their writing in the Argument genre. Each activity focuses on a key skill in the Argument genre. You can use the collection to teach and practice persuasive writing, focusing on the theme of Sending a Message. Or you can use specific activities in the collection to help individual students who need practice on a particular skill.

    The lessons in this collection exist at three different lessons of scaffolding. Level 1 is an on-level lesson. Before writing, students complete Graphic Organizers guiding them to analyze the reading and plan their writing. Level 2 is for students who may require additional support. Students complete Graphic Organizers with Sentence Starters and other scaffolds. Level 3 is for students who perform below-grade level in text analysis or writing, or may speak English as a Second Language, and require additional support. Students are supported with Sentence Starters and fill-in-the-blank scaffolds. These scaffolds help students to develop proficiency in analysis and writing skills, enabling them to move to greater levels of independence.

  • Information Skills with Differentiation: HS

    The activities in this collection provide practice and instruction for high-school students (grades 9-12), developing their writing in the Information genre. You can use the collection to teach and practice informational writing, focusing on the theme of Inventions. Or you can use specific activities in the collection to help individual students who need practice on a particular skill.

    The lessons in this collection exist at three different lessons of scaffolding. Level 1 is an on-level lesson. Before writing, students complete Graphic Organizers guiding them to analyze the reading and plan their writing. Level 2 is for students who may require additional support. Students complete Graphic Organizers with Sentence Starters and other scaffolds. Level 3 is for students who perform below-grade level in text analysis or writing, or may speak English as a Second Language, and require additional support. Students are supported with Sentence Starters and fill-in-the-blank scaffolds. These scaffolds help students to develop proficiency in analysis and writing skills, enabling them to move to greater levels of independence.